Site Plan
The STAGE will reinterpret the current parking lot under Peace Plaza into a cultural and social active courtyard while directly linked to Geary Boulevard, eliminating the existing wall and stairs, creating an open and welcoming entry into the Japanese culture. The peace plaza is transformed into a courtyard-like stage, providing space to stay, shelter from bad weather, and establishing a feeling of enclosure around space which better fits Japanese culture. The open space and its surrounding overhead corridors can become performance stages and bleachers, thus creating a place where people can see as well as be seen. The flex-use “stage” can be used as a performance space as well as accommodating civic activities. The new amphitheater provides the resting place, encourages people to linger in this plaza, and deals with the elevation difference. The spiral staircase towards the overhead corridor surrounds the foundation of Peace Pagoda, with a waterscape at its bottom, people get to revere the splendid pagoda, enjoying both seeing and hearing.
Future Visions
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